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Who Should Attend?

This program is unique in the industry due to its focus on Executive Management.
While Risk Management is nothing new in Management, it is new to Asset Management and Maintenance Management.  CEO, CFO, CIO Chairman, President, Vice Presidents and Board Mambers should all attend this course.  This course is designed to enlighten Executive Management about the tools available to them for increased Asset Reliability and Availability.

With the advent of ISO55000 Asset Management Standard, Organizations are realizing that Asset Health and Avaialbility are of paramount importance to their bottom line.  Increased market pressures and global compettitors are forcing them to tighten their belts and execute higher and more efficient form of management.


With that being said, I would ask our Executives one simple question...
"Who has more control over the condition of your car? 
You, or the dealership you take it to to service it?"

So who has more control of the condition of your Manufacturing Assets?  The Maintence Department who services them, or The Operations/Production Departments who operate and control access to them?

SO, do you think the way you are managing the above relationship, in a
World-Class manner?  OK, so take
this training and learn the truth about who truly controls Asset Health, Availability and Plant Capacity...

READ OUR Core Principles Section
Then Sign Up for this training now...

This Course will soon be available 100% Online!